The shameful malpractice of female feticide or the practice of killing a girl child within or outside the mother’s womb is still prevalent in India in the current generation, even after the Govt., NGOs and other organizations taking so may schemes to eradicate this heinous act. Ideally, when we talk about female feticide, we generally feel that it is practices mostly among the uneducated or economically weaker sections of the Indian society because they perceive the girl child as a burden! However, through this piece I wanted to pen out a different side of this concept that exists in urban India, amongst educated people – maybe it doesn’t amount to ‘killing’ the girl child but has similar emotions. According to a publication of 2015 in “ Human Geographies – Journal of Studies and Research in Human Geography” , the sex-ratio in India has declined from 972 females per 1000 males in 1901 to 940 females in 2011 to an abysmal 914 in 2014. There was a preconceived notion for a long t...