Remember that heavy, fat book that used to be a constant in every household back in the 90s? The book that was the most difficult thing to carry if anyone at the house wanted to know the correct spelling of a word? Yes, I am referring to the house of huge no. of words “Dictionary” or “Obhidhaan”! Some assamese households even had the linguistic version of it, referred as “Hemkosh”, after the legendary Hem Baruah. Searching for new words and their meanings in an alphabetical order used to be such an exciting job then. With the passage of time, dictionaries started becoming compact and started to being available in pocket sizes; the first of its kind being provided by the Oxford house. English literature was incomplete without the use of dictionary, especially for poetry. In fact, there used to be a question for lower classes as “Write the meanings of the following words” – something that used to inculcate the habit of turning the pages of this fat book at a young age. Even writers of ...