Humans are considered to the most superior of all creations, isn’t it? Because we are endowed with a brain that can think and reason for its own. However, there are certain things that I have observed in the recent past and it really got me thinking – is this what being the superior of creations mean?
Orissa was recently hit by a tragic natural disaster – the cyclone ‘FANI’. Many videos of the havoc were broadcasted by the news channels and circulated by people through social media. Though the focus of all these videos was to spread the news quickly to the masses, what gripped my attention was that where there were people running for their lives, there were others who were smiling and waving at the camera on which these videos were being shot. Doesn’t it seem a bit odd – I mean there are precious human lives in the middle of a catastrophe and there are others, who instead of helping these people, are having the fun of their lives.
Somebody sent me a video few days back on watsapp that was shot in some place in Southern India that showed how a motorcycle caught fire when there was some damage in its silencer. I was so surprised to see this video because it was shot on a road (probably highway) and the person, who shot it from another moving vehicle, saw and recorded the flames at a very initial stage but did not even attempt to warn the biker by gestures or words! In fact, he crossed the motorcycle on fire and continued shooting the video and the biker had to jump from the burning vehicle, having realized that something was wrong.
The whole point of this article is not to project videography in a negative way but to just simply highlight the fact people are getting more caught up in the whirlwind of getting importance on “social media” than focusing on what is required first i.e to help. The unfortunate incident that led to the death of a young boy, Jhankar, in Assam few years back was also recorded on camera, not by news channels but individuals, who were present on the spot to record it but could not prevent the lynching of the young boy!
At this point, a lot of people might argue with me that not every individual has the power to take stand in certain situations. I agree, but then again what about situations where help is required? Are we so weak that we cannot even help our fellow human beings in distress but can make a video out of their misery? Some may even say that social media is becoming a powerful tool and the motto of these videos is to spread awareness. Well, in that case, just for once can the videographer put himself or herself in place of the people in need? How will he/she feel if there are scores of people around them, shooting their distress, but not one hand is reaching out among then for help? Isn’t it more important to put the “people in need” on top of the priority list than spreading awareness? And most importantly - A video can bring us happiness with views and there is no "real material reward" for help and kindness; but the inner joy that an act of kindness brings is in-explainable!

A lot of things can be nullified simply for argument sake with a good debate; this article of mine might offend a lot of people (as opposed to my last article) but that does not rule out the fact that we, human beings, are becoming more and more focused on materialism and fame. Nothing wrong in that, but it is not good to lose the inherent goodness that The Almighty has put in us – the care, compassion, love and most importantly the intelligence! If we can love our pet animals so much that we lose our sleep over its illness, than how can we be so reluctant with our fellow beings with whom we share the biggest race – HUMANITY? Isn’t it something to think about and ponder over?


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