Zain Ramadan 2018 commercial: The hype and the reality

The holy month, Ramadan or Ramzan of the Islamic calendar ended some months back and billions of Muslims all over the world were fasting all over the world from dawn to dusk. With the onset of Ramadan, we usually see various new products, particularly food items, in the market for sale.
This year however, it was not food items but another commercial that has taken YouTube by storm.  The Zain Telecom Company, which is a Kuwaiti company, releases an Arabic video (with English subtitles of course) every year on Ramadan just like Surf Excel. I had not really watched the previous years’ videos but I believe they are usually to be based on the current status of the Muslim nations. The 2018 commercial by Zain entitled “Mr. President” however, is something more than just a commercial. For the benefit of those who have not yet watched, this 3 minute video features a young boy visiting look-alikes of powerful world leaders and speaking his heart out to them. US President, Donald Trump, is asked by the boy to join him for Iftar in his house, which is in ruins. The ad also features look – alike of Vladimir Putin in a Syrian home where he is told by the kid that the Azaan and the church bells are calling out to the same God.  German chancellor Angela Merkel is seen rescuing a child from sea waves. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un also makes an appearance. The crisis of Rohingya muslims is also highlighted. The ad ends by showing the escape of the look-alike of 13-year old Palestinian activist, Ahad Tamimi, from the prison towards freedom, thus, highlighting the problem of that nation.
This video received more that 4 million views in a matter of days. Though many are appreciating this effort, some are also claiming on Twitter this to be a publicity act by the telecom company and a conspiracy to portray the western leaders in a bad light. There are so many reaction videos on this commercial on YouTube and every single one who watched this video had tears in their eyes. However, what I really want to draw attention is to this simple question: Why and for what is this fighting and killing for?? There is a powerful scene in the video where the child is sitting the ruins of a bombed house and saying “Lullabies cry….. toys bleed.” For one minute, let us just forget the whole “terrorism and power” thing and just ponder on one word: HUMANITY!! Where has this love and care for one another gone?? Irrespective of borders, different cultures, practices and language, at the end of the day we are one human race; we have compassion for each other. Children, the little things of those disturbed areas, are growing up admist gun smoke and rubble dust. Rather than playing with the butterflies, these kids are playing with metallic and stone remains from bombed houses and cars.
However, something that grabbed my curiosity and interest is that why is it that the Muslim majority nations are being targeted for extermination and destruction by those in power?? In the commercial, the kid cries out that “we are among those shunned….for making a faith declaration…!” So, is it their fault that they are the followers of a different faith???
Personally I consider myself to be too insignificant and less in knowledge to comment on political and religious issues because this seems to be a never ending topic for debate. But this Zain Ramadan commercial has really led me to question my actions and behavior towards my fellow muslims. The issues of Syria, the Rohingya crisis, the Palestine conflict are not trivial matters. What is being portrayed to us is that these situations are the outcome of the interventions of the powerful nations of the world to combat terrorism and bring peace. But has peace been achieved even after so many years?? Isn’t it obvious to us till now that a much more sinister and darker political agenda is layered in the veil of terrorism surrounding these Muslim centric countries??  In this whole war of power and politics, the sufferers are the common people – man, women and children. So why are WE ALL, especially the youth, SILENT regarding this?? Is the “LOGICAL and KIND HUMAN” inside us NO LONGER ALIVE?? Where is our love and compassion for our fellow beings??


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