The study of religion or “theology” has always been a very complicated and controversial subject. According to Oxford Dictionary, religion is the belief in or worship of a “superhuman” (or divine) force that controls the Universe, especially one’s God/Gods. This belief or worship has always been governed by one’s birth; however, in the present times religion is also considered to be individualistic. Even the Constitution of India presents “Right to Religion” as a “Fundamental Right”. India has been a democratic and “secular” country since its independence – every individual had the freedom to practice his/her religion in public, dress and accessorize oneself according to a particular religion with a public display of their religious signs/symbols. Now, as far as, religion is concerned – it is restricted mainly to one’s way of dressing or worshipping. It Language or speech is always viewed as an entity that has no influence of one’s religion – language is something that is mainly ...