The holy month, Ramadan or Ramzan of the Islamic calendar ended some months back and billions of Muslims all over the world were fasting all over the world from dawn to dusk. With the onset of Ramadan, we usually see various new products, particularly food items, in the market for sale. This year however, it was not food items but another commercial that has taken YouTube by storm. The Zain Telecom Company, which is a Kuwaiti company, releases an Arabic video (with English subtitles of course) every year on Ramadan just like Surf Excel. I had not really watched the previous years’ videos but I believe they are usually to be based on the current status of the Muslim nations. The 2018 commercial by Zain entitled “Mr. President” however, is something more than just a commercial. For the benefit of those who have not yet watched, this 3 minute video features a young boy visiting look-alikes of powerful world leaders and speaking his heart out to them. US President, Donald Tr...
Some trips require a lot of planning and discussions, while some just happen impromptu. The latter was the case for my last trip to Amritsar. I had been planning this short trip since September 2023 but the stars were never getting aligned. After a lot a cajoling, when I managed to receive atleast an unsure “Yes” from my mother, there was no turning back. Even with flight tickets making a hole in my pocket couldn’t dither mean from my resolve to go for this trip. Though a very small town in Punjab, Amritsar manages to make its mark as a tourist destination because of the existence of the Golden Temple in its heart, along with some other important historical sites. As nothing works empty stomach, our very first stop was “Kulwant Singh Kulchewalaa” for a heavy breakfast of hot gobhi kulchas and chole. We then began our trip to the historical site “Jalianwala Bagh”, which was at a walkable distance from where we were located. Just at its entrance, a monument has been structured preserving...
The paradise on earth is bleeding…she is crying for help…but who is there to hear her?? She is echoing the cries for “AZAADI” since decades but her pleas go unheard. Why is this injustice towards her..why is she being tormented so much? Is it mainly because she cradles the minority group in her lap as majority?? Kashmir is and has been burning since ages. The beauty of the valley is streaked with blood - blood of young infants to aged people to women – no one has been spared. The former princely state of British India became a disputed territory since 1947. What actually is happening in Kashmir? We as onlookers or residents of “Independent India” would only think that there is huge amount of terrorism in this region owing to the Muslim majority in the valley, the demand of Kashmir by Pakistan and so on. But when I got to hear about the actual scenario of Kashmir from the lips of a Kashmiri, I was devastated. Indian government from the time of obtaining possession o...
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