The new era or the new degradation??

“Happy Birthday to you” chortled a bunch of girls merrily as I entered into a restaurant located in the very heart of the city of Guwahati. As I sat down on my table, just opposite to the girls, I was thunderstruck. All the girls were hardly aged 12-13 years and all of them were dressed in mini skirts, hot shorts, high heels. And when I glanced at their faces, I felt short for words. These young girls had their eyebrows shaped, heavily made up eyes and huge amount of dark lipstick!!! Looking at these young kids and their body language, I thought “How did the innocence of these young girls get lost?” Their faces did not reveal the slightest hint of cuteness that children their age possess, rather they appeared to be like some models walking on the ramp. Is that what our society has come to today? Yes, we are heading towards moral degradation my friends. We no longer treat our girl kids as cute, innocent angels and try to nourish them with good values. Is it really necessary fo...