Six months to be precise
Cannot be reversed by a dime
Said somebody very wise
"Time and tide waits for none
What isn't yours is forever gone".
Yet, hope and belief lingers
Like the sand between fingers
When someone wants to leave
Dont clutch and let him go
If he comes back, he's yours
If he doesn't, he never was!
Once I tried too much
To keep you in my clutch
But you didn't utter a thing, kept mum
Shaking my very core, making me numb
I left things behind and looked for change
Let my thoughts wander beyond range
You suddenly returned
That wasnt expected...
You say significant nothing
The year ends without any pact
Is it a simple matter of fact?
Despite everything
We aren't able to part.
We cannot see but bother
An invisible thread continues
To binds us together!!
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