It is a general observation that I am having over the past few days as an individual and as a woman in general. Women, I had observed over the years (with my mother and aunts), never really wish or thrive to take the front seat for anything, how much educated they may be! Women tend to be satisfied with the success and achievements of their husband, brothers or any other male member. I am a person who is in that stage of her life where she is trying very hard to build a career and make a place for herself in the society, coupled with the fact that she tries very hard to change people’s the mindset about age-old traditions and customs that degrade women and promote gender equality. Our country is currently in such a state where we have witnessed a huge number of “she”roes, especially clad in hijabs and burqas. The video from JMI University recently that went viral couple of days back lead us all to think that “we are not the weaker section of the society – when the need ar...